Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tranformers 2 Revenge Of The Fallen, Acoustic Night, Ice Age 3,

Revenge Of The Fallen

on the 24th of June (lol) me, Azee, and Taufiq went to Cineplex to buy movie tickets. What movie ju ask.? Of course, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen. We wanted to watch that movie on the premiere night but too bad, the ticket was sold out one week before the show. effd up huh.? Then we went to Sugarbun to buy some Nasi Lemak, my mom asked me to buy em. Well, there's something interesting bout this Nasi Lemak Episode. I bought three Nasi Lemak, and the receipt was like 1.5 metre long haha. Don't believe me.? Ask Azee and Taufiq. I still have the recipt with me. lol. will post it up someday.

The next day, Transformers moment. Nabila and Syafiq reached there around 2pm i think. Nabila wanted to pick me up but i refused cause i made a promise to oh-so-beloved Azee NOT heh. So I drove my car to Azee's house around 3.15pm. Together with her were her siblings, Taufiq Emo, Udin, Nana, Azmi (cousin blakang rumah) and her friend, Siti Zuriana. Siti Zuriana is my friend as well. aka my classmate. EX-CLASSMATE. she's a good girl. On our way to Cineplex, we talked trash. With my jokes about people around me. Too bad Nysa wasn't there. You know why.? So she cud drive my car and Imma flirt with Azee behind LOL jk jk. With Udin and Azmi watching from the backseat.? hell no. LOL.

We met Nabila and Syafiq there. Sitting together with Saifudeen and Lil' K aka Kucai aka Emo King aka Emo boy aka Lord of Emo aka emo emo emo. I met my afro man too, Fahri whos now a photographer (yerrr budak up) and Syed Hafiz and his girlfriend, Irma. OMG she's getting prettier. My nose was bleeding. Before I met Azee, she was the one holding Azee's throne (if you know what I'm sayin bitches). Her sister is freaking hot, but I warn you guys, don't try to flirt with her. You just can't. Heh, and I told Taufiq about Syed Hafiz cause we met his Sister, Sharifah Nafisah aka Fishie at the library when we were shooting a short video for Syafiz's Pizza Hut Competition. SUZHAIMIZ, YOU'RE DA MAN. We then meet Norman, Faez and Nieja.

WOW. The movie was awesome. with Bumblebee's new Alt mode car, Concept Camaro 2010, which imma buy next year.. (HOPEFULLY :P), Optimus tragic death and dramatic resurrection, Skids & Mudflap aka The Twins's Nigga Moment, Arcee which has been splitted into three motorcycles, freaking awesome Sideswipe with his roller-blade feet, and other two senior Autobots, Ratchet and IronHide ma man.
Decepticons were AWESOME. Many of them landed on the Earth, this time they're colourful lol. Unlike last time, they're all like silver, grey, black, etc. Megatron with new arms and feet, Starscream with more action, and the FUCKING AWESOME DEVASTATOR~ well you know the big robot with one big tyre..? he's one of the Constructicons, which combines to become DEVASTATOR. But since he died on the beginning, he was replaced by another robot, Scavenger (god knows where he came from). I love the scene where Prime beat the shit outta 3 Decepticons: Megatron, Starscream and Grindor (he looks very similar to Blackout fomr the first movie). Megan Fox was FUCKING hot. Shia Lebauf acted well. Jetfire was awesome aswell. Funny old robot.

Well overal I give the movie 9.5/10. Why.? Cause I was so suprised cause Sideways only appeared for like a minute and got sliced into two by Sideswipe. Ain't they supposed to be Arch-nemesis.? And where's Sideswipe's brother.? And I really hte the balls joke. Just because Simmons was crawling underneath Devastator, they can just put two balls hangin like that.? Bullshit. It's just had to be there huh.? Eventhough I didn't see any ball-like parts from those vehicles, It's just had to be there. Alice with her tounge looks like Alien;s tounge. ain't it supposed to be her pussy.? lol. And why didn't they revive Jazz.? RACIST lol.

The movie finished at 6.45pm. And Nabila lost her precious handphone. Aaah shit. Bad day. we looked all over the hall with few workers but cudn't find it. sigh. Syafiq went home right after that, Kucai and Nieja too. And others (including Nabila) pimped in my car. Gotta send her back home. Then we all went to Tun Jugah. Dinner time. Something was bothring me. Wasn't in a good mood. Tried to hide it, luckily nobody noticed... except for Azee. Damn~ She asked me wether I'm okay or not etc. That's the difference between a friend and a pham. She cares about her so-called "brother" lol. We took pictures together there and went home around 8pm.

Faez, me, Taufiq, Azee.

ILEQ-ILEQ CAFE Acoustic Night.

Okay this shit was bad. Lack of practice, and the absence of our guitarist, and the only rap group that night. aaaaa. Luckily, my "spirit" came, AZEE~ and Taufkotey. Nabila xdapat datang. cause she's leaving on the next day.I was lucky cause we were the 3rd performer. heh. Not only me, Maleck was fucked up too. haha. Luckily Damya sang well heh. The song we performed that night were All Falls Down and Stronger. We went to The Bing right after that. The Bing with 1001 memories in Kuching. Since I didn't my money that night taufkotey paid the beef lasagna for me and I then I bayar to Azee then I have no idea what happenzz next. haha. Some pictures at THE BING.


Sorry Azee I had to put this on ma blog cause you look damn pretty here yo.
trust me. ;P

We went to Nabila's house after that. My mom baked a cheesecake and wanted to give it to her. So I drove Azee's car to her house. LOL. We came at 10.30pm lol lol. Azee hugged Nabila O_O the hell..? The two person I love doing some borderline lesshit in front of me.? And Taufiq, you were just watching the show.? LOL. You both shuud hug me lol. But yeah. Told ya, Azee is a nice girl. Kepada ULUL EILMEE, walau apa-apa jadi ko jangan la ngorat Azee okay.? Aku tak izinkan :D

Azee is the real friend. And of course you too Mr Emo Jr. aka Taufkotey~


Me, Taufiq and Norman watched Ice Age last wednesday. The movie was good. It was funny. Esp Eddie and Crash. And Diego too. And T-Rex adalah watak yang sangat baik LOL. I thot she's the badass dino who bite errbody's ass. Pastu balik rumah, tido. Taufkotey~


**leader class means the big size. means the scale will be more accurate if you compare with the deluxe size action figures like bumblebee.

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