Friday, May 8, 2009

tagged by Sassy

1. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Before she die because of lung cancer, i better kill her first hehe.

2. How about drinking?
None of tat either

3. Do you like someone you can't have?
scarlett johansson, marshanda, velove vexia, emma watson. not some kind of big fat scottish fold like MARU. It knows it is sooooooo fat but still trying to get into a small box. but very cute, indeed. love maru. F sassy lol jk jk.

4. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
Do nothing.

5. What's your favorite sport?
Basketball, American Football, Soccer.

6. It's Saturday night, and you're home alone. What do you do?
Rapping lol. online, drawing.?

7. Do you like roller coasters?
Muhfcuka rolla costa is the shit man. NEEEEERRRVVVVEEEEE,

8. When is the perfect time to have a bf/gf?
When everything else falls into place.

9. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
Charlize Theron and all in no.3 lol.

10. What are you doing this weekend?
Going out to The Spring with my parents n go to Sushi King like usual maybe :)

11. What is your favorite restaurant?
Bangals and Kelana Seafood.

12. Have you ever hugged someone?
Have you, sir.?

13. Ever kissed someone you weren't attracted to?
Hmmm no.

14. Do you like anyone right now?
Hell-O yeah. :)

15. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Eyes and her smile.)

16. Which do you prefer, Beach or Mountains?
Beach.. Wet wet shit. and sounds similar to BITCH.

17. What kind of phone do you have?
cik Norkia Lime Lime Tige Sifar.

18. Computer or Laptop?
what is ur fucking questions actually.? well this is my answer. I have a computer and two fuckin laptops (dad's), and i use computer cause i'm using professional tools to do and make professional stuffs which requires GOOD requirements. BODOH.

19. Jeans or Sweats?

20. Which year(s) has/have been the best so far?
2004 2006 2008.

21. How old are you gonna be on your next birthday?
fuck u. 20.

22. What should you be doing right now?

23. What is your favorite TV show?
Bleach, Det. Conan, Smallville(dulu r heh), Robot Chicken, Clone Wars Series (not the old animated series bitch) and Puaka Niyang Rapik haha. (yg lain xingat la)

24. What's been your last purchase?
FORCE-FX LIGHTSABER. in your face syafiq lol. naah. Another Clone Trooper figure.

25. Are you attracted to girls/boys that smoke?
wtf. emo la ko ni.

26. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people?
dkat KL, banyak kali. and other states too.

27. What do you do when you're at home?
Drawing, Recording, Rolling around, Jumping, Play with cats.

28. What is your favorite subject?
THe Knowledge of the Force.

29. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Having a loving family, and special frens who make life so colourful, Harley (die SELALU lupe ni) and ______________________.

30. Tag 10 people:
10?? I dnt have tat many frens. Sobsob.
1. Nabila.
2. Atirah.
3. Wani
4. Syafiq
5. Azee
6. Taufiq( haha dia xde)
7. Niraaj
8. NIraaj's imaginary friend 1
9. Niraaj's Imaginary friend 2
10. Nasreen.

** sorry tapi niraaj memang kuat imagine.


  1. 9. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
    Charlize Theron and all in no.3 lol.

    Haha. for my answer, i wrote stuart townsend, charlize's longtime bf. Ok, u take charlize. i take stuart. :p

  2. yeah u can take stuart little too.
    date a rat.

  3. Aaah no thanks. :p I want townsend (*drools*)

  4. atau ktk mok niraaj.?
    niraaj milik aria hoho.

  5. hahaha bnyak imaginary friends

  6. heh yeah azee yeah.
    ktk pun sama jwk.

  7. niraaj milik stans, syafiq, aria, and d whole gay community i guess. haha
