Wednesday, April 8, 2009


In the spirit of Tag-mas, here's a tag from the one they call... awesome.

Wat I did today which I didn't do yesterday:

1. Singing while holding my cat.

2. Met up with Nabila. Then Fifi the gayboi.

3. Fry them eggs while dancin to Rick Ross's "Every Day I'm Hustlin"

4. Pick Nabby up at Changiran. (Jauh daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

5. Go to Tupperware shop to change broken Tupperware.. (lifetime warranty beb)

I guess that's it bitches... Bt i'll tell u what i keep doing every single AWESOME day of my life. SHITTING.

Oh, i tag Azee and Aria.


  1. wtf azee this is so wrong.
    hahaha i piss paralelly with the shit.
    i piss and shit at the very same time but since shit is a lot bigger.
    so yeah.

  2. hahaha jgnla bugitu azee aww aww.
    cpatlah balik~
    ksian kat mak ktk :P
